Do you ever wonder where your day went?

An empty wooden bench sits amid lots of green plants, a great place to slow down in a fastpaced world.
Photo by Elliott Blair on Unsplash

How do we spend our time? Even retired, I have asked myself that question many, many times. Writing that question, I think of a TV commercial asking, “Can we do better?”

Yes, we can!

This short read will give you some ideas to help you slow down and enjoy life more.

Should you audit your free time? Yes, that’s the ticket to knowing where you are losing track. Maybe it’s social media. Perhaps it’s too many hours avoiding something or someone rather than facing it or them and getting it taken care of.

Do you skip lunch? Because you are behind at work, or must you run a personal errand? What would happen if you didn’t get it all completed? What if you ask someone for help? Put your pride aside. Afterward, offer to return the favor or help someone else.

Did you see what I did in that first paragraph? I let you in on a secret as to where some of my hours are going. If you guessed TV. You are correct. It’s a habit that started when I was a small child. Parents didn’t think about the shows being harmful in those days, and there were no parental controls. Don’t sit too close to the TV; it will hurt your eyes. Never mind that it was creating a habit that is hard to break.

It’s entertainment

With no pricey tickets, no dressing up, just relaxing at home. It’s escaping into another world of someone else’s creation. It takes three to four hours of TV per night to satisfy my habit. What about you?

What habit keeps you from total surrender to the Lord? It’s not that I watch shows that promote evil. It is the time it takes that I could be serving or worshiping. It’s my major time waster now that I have set up a news feed eradicator on my Facebook. I rarely get on Facebook, so I no longer get lost in that rabbit hole.

Here is how God addressed this with me several years ago. I had rushed around all day and told the Lord, “Lord, I am sorry, but I let everything, even TV, get in front of my time with you today.?” I wasn’t expecting a response, but He said, “I didn’t put you here to be entertained.” I hit my knees when God spoke to me, knowing I had to repent. Now, I always put God first.

In this ever-evolving, fast-paced world we live in, we want fast food. We want our appliances to be able to clean and dry our clothes or wash our dishes in the shortest amount of time.

We are all hurrying to get somewhere fast, even if we do not know why. Sometimes, it may have more to do with impressing someone with what you have to do or what you’ve done in your day. What is your reason?

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

We use GPS to plan our trips, looking for the quickest route. Then complain if we are two minutes later than the GPS gave.

Our nightly news tells of young people who die from road rage somewhere nearly every night. Hearing that children are in the car when a parent is shot is overwhelming.

How can we slow down to enjoy our lives more?

We are God’s greatest assets, so how do we live and enjoy life as God intended?

First, I think we talk to God, practicing gratitude for everything and praising Him for this beautiful creation called Earth.

Second, We need to let Him and the Holy Spirit lead us more. That does mean we need to get still and quiet before Him and take the time to listen.

Prayer and communication are essential. But what does that look like? How do we teach respect for one another no matter the color of our skin?

Focus on one thing you can change and do that.

My husband and I recently went to North Carolina for a funeral. Usually, we take the interstate. On this trip, we took two-lane roads. We were traveling through the mountains of North Georgia and into North Carolina. It was beautiful, and I was grateful to God for His glory. 

It was relaxing and enjoyable.

I remember driving these roads when my sons were small; we would take our time and enjoy the trip. It has been years since I gave up this pleasure for speed, but no more. 

I am searching for more ways to feel good when I arrive in places and not be stressed.

How long has it been since you enjoyed a road trip? How long has it been since you took the time to be awed by God’s glory in nature?

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. (Psalm 8:1 NIV)

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