Could it do the same for you?

A woman without self-confidence holds her hands up to block her face from the camera before discovering AI image generators.

Are you camera shy? I pray your story is not like mine, as I was unwanted by my mother and told I was too ugly to name. 

I think she wanted to give me up, but it was the 1940s. After all, she was married and already had one child. How would she explain this decision to the families? 

Living with a parent who doesn’t want you or care for you hurts. You have to ask the creator to heal the emotional wounds. It took me years to find peace, and it came when I met the Holy Spirit, and He walked me through healing a little at a time. Then, AI image generators happened, and I think God used them to heal my perception of myself.

Jesus asks the Father to send the Holy Spirit 

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, who the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (John 14:26 NKJV)

He, the Holy Spirit, is here to help us walk out our journeys.

God created us with a purpose

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)

My purpose is to give the abused and unloved hope because love, peace, and joy are waiting on the other side of their pain. Yes, joy is waiting for you on the other side of your forgiveness of the ones who hurt you.

It sounds too good to be true, but what do you have to lose? Maybe you will lose some bitterness. Bitterness wrecked many of my relationships. What about you? Have you got any bitterness in your heart? Perhaps, if you forgive, you’ll move forward on your journey and find peace.

Let me tell you that after many heart-healing sessions and prayers. I still could not smile for the camera or feel comfortable getting my photo taken. 

A few weeks ago, I was supposed to get a headshot for my website, and I dreaded it. Then I heard about these AI image generator services that take photos and create pictures you won’t mind sharing. 

Speechless and smiling

I never expected the results to leave me speechless. To say I was pleased with the results is an understatement. Sure, I know I am not all that in my everyday life. Most days, there is no makeup, and I wear the most comfortable clothes to my home office. 

But these AI-generated photos made me smile to myself for about two days. These photos meant more to my self-confidence than all the other things I bought to make me look good on camera.

Why? Somehow, I saw myself in another light, and these photos boosted my confidence. I know God knows how deep my wounds have been and how my past left me without confidence. Because of these AI-generated images, I have a new way of viewing myself, and it’s all positive.

A new-found confidence

Recently, at my granddaughter’s wedding, I went to the photo booth that was set up and had a great time. 

I say don’t fear AI. Put it to work for you. Learn how to make use of it as an aide. You might find some surprises as I did.

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